Saturday 9 June 2012

Holiday... Rudesheim, Germany

Rudesheim is a popular winemaking town at the beginning of the Rhine Gorge.  We went in to a local vineyard and the vitner walked us through and we tasted 3 different wines in the vineyard.  It was quite leisurely, stopping along the way to taste a few of the typical wines produced there.  Most of the wines were white Reisling.  Great views surrounded by nice scenery!

Wine tasters.

Some of the market place.

Later in the day we sailed through the Rhine Gorge ... steep slopes, many covered by vineyards and dotted by castles, are accompanied by picturesque villages.  Within a 65 km section , approximately
20 odd castles exist. While cruising through the gorge we passed the famous "Loreley Rock", where the Rhine River has its narrowest and deepest stretch.


 Some of the many castles ....

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BANJO aka Brat