Monday 4 June 2012

Holiday ... Gallipoli in Turkey

On the third day we headed out to the Gallipoli National Park for a guided sightseeing tour of the war memorials, including Lone Pine, Chunuk Bair and Anzac Cove. Looking at the terrain of the area it was evident the Anzacs never had a real chance. We stayed overnight outdoors (warm in sleeping bags but very uncomfortable on the concrete) and took part in the traditional Anzac Day Dawn Service – very moving and very sad! Afterwards we walked up to Lone Pine for the Australian memorial service. It was an extremely emotional experience. We gained an understanding of the battles and significant loss of life faced by both Anzac and Turkish military forces on that fateful morning of 1915.

The Sphnix

Looking out to Suvla Bay

Anzac Cove

Lone Pine Memorial

Dave and I at Lone Pine

 Some of the trenches

Anzac Braves Anzac Graves

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BANJO aka Brat