Sunday, 6 September 2020

A Fancy Dress - Sat 5 Sep


My latest little venture - Zumba dance.  I've been going to classes, probably 6 so far and find it pretty challenging, a lot of fun and a good aerobic workout.  I sort of know the moves of most of the popular songs and can keep up with the group, now I just need to loosen up and shake some 'boodie'.  There are a lot of learners in the class so nobody feels really foolish … lots of giggles and laughs!

Anyway just recently we had a 3 hour dance party with the fancy dress theme of Heroes and villains.  I got into the spirit of things and came up with a topical idea - the corona virus.

It was an entirely home made costume from bits and pieces - a beanie with golf tees inserted inside out with pom poms glued to the tips.  I safety pinned a garland of pom poms on the outside legs of a pair of jeans.  Also I donned a pair of Elton John glasses to be incognito.

As I left home, David suggested to watch my speed, cause if I got stopped by authorities they'd think I should be locked up!

Guess who, What am I????

As you can see the other girls were all glammed up and went as heroes - Zumba queen, tooth fairy, a suffragette, super woman, Queen Bee and a health care worker.  I was the only villain!

There were plenty of healthy snacks to keep our energy levels up and I managed to keep hydrated with my Corona beers.  It was pretty hot in our upstairs room and we only had one 15 minute break so we sweated a lot as we stomped away.  It was a fun time.

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