Wednesday, 14 August 2024

BANJO aka Brat

A new addition to the household - meet Banjo.

A Red Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog, about 18 months old, so in teenager mode but is the typical alpha male.

I came by Banjo through a friend of a friend, the then owner had a rental which allowed animals but the property was unfenced.  Rocky as he was known then, was an inside dog and tied to the back of a Ute through the day while the boss was working.  Obviously it wasn’t a good environment for the dog, hence I stepped in!

It’s been 3 weeks since he’s been in his new home and it’s a wonder he’s still alive.  In saying that, he has softened immeasurably to the first few days and now he is settled and secure in his backyard.  It’s been a fast learning curve for both of us.  When going on walks he started in a harness, then a choker chain and now he also wears a muzzle.  “  But the real BIG problem is that he hates other dogs and wants to chase all the wildlife that is around.  I’m managing at the moment by walking him early morning or late evening when others are usually still asleep or inside the house.

I’m aware the neighbourhood has had enough of us as his bark is a mixture of shrieking and screaming and piercing to any eardrum.  He is improving but when any dog barks at us, he returns with interest!
Before I discovered the power of a spray bottle, I had a really bad incident with him on the roadside when he was going nuts at a dog behind the fence.  He’s only 17 kgs so I can hold him well enough but if you know young cattle dogs they are extremely agile and when they are excited and want to nip and bite, he was throwing himself around, choking at the same time so I literally had to punch him.  Just at that moment he came to his senses (I think) and calmed down - I felt as though I won a minor battle of wits

Some things in his nature which will be really hard to get him out of is “lunging at vehicles passing”.  I take him to the cemetery when my shoulders need a rest.  He has progressed really well in learning - only occasionally jumps up and mainly nips softly but always has to be cautioned.  I know it’s a battle of wills but it is very trying - hope my patience lasts.  Both my arms are covered in  bites and scratches but I heal fairly quickly and learnt to wear long sleeves and gloves.

Strange that he and David don’t see eye-to-eye.  Dave reckons he has the devil’s eyes and loves dobbing on Banjo when he has destroyed something or misbehaves.  As you can imagine he has energy plus and without any cows to round up he is constantly looking for jobs.  I’ve figured that routine walks aren’t enough for him, he needs the bursts of energy stuff.  I’m spending time with him in the yard trying to tire him out but I wish he’d grow up and chill.  He is being de-sexed next week so I ‘m hoping that will contribute to a quieter life as well.

Banjo the ……

I do not like being constrained by anyone.  That’s when I will nip .

Anyway he does enjoy a nice pat and stroke when he’s got a belly full and lying on his bed.  Also in the afternoon around siesta time he will jump up to the seat on the back deck with me and snuggle in so he is also fulfilling my needs too.

He has some redeeming traits, he’s very loyal and I really like dog dogs ie. dogs who live outside and think they are champion dogs.  Yay for Banjo (as in Banjo Paterson) who was an exceptional Australian.

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