Sunday 14 September 2014

More golf ... success

Today we played a 27 hole Foursome competition.  It is a fun form of golf.  In this, four players play together in pairs but use one ball  between a pair and take alternate shots for each hole.  It makes for a faster game of golf and requires a degree of teamwork,

Winners are grinners!
My partner is an up and coming young junior.  Young Rebecca is 12 years old and hadn't lifted a golf club til the beginning of the year.  She has a beautiful golf swing and a good attitude so I would expect she will eventually make a name in the golf circles.

Anyway for the days event we played quite well together and it was her first game of 27 holes.  We walked the entire 27 holes while the other competitors rode in buggies so we certainly got better exercise.  We just got pipped for the best nett score over 27 holes but won the best nett score for 18 holes.  Well done Rebecca, I hope she remembers I was her first partner when she makes the pro circuit.

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BANJO aka Brat