Monday, 2 April 2012

A weekend at Borumba Dam

Recently we spent a lovely couple of days camping and boating out at Borumba Dam.  With Borumba being relatively close to home, we towed the camper van out and Dave returned home to collect the boat.  We were able to camp in comfort and also have the convenience of the boat on the lake.  The camp ground was on the banks of Yabba Creek with lots of shade trees, green grass and gardens surrounding - a beaut spot to camp. 

On the lake we set the Red Claw traps and then we stooged around the area.  Dave chanced a lure for the local Yellow Belly but the yabbies were really the aim of the game.  We had good returns with red claw being in the pots each time we checked.  Overnight was when the catch was the best but even during the day there were good numbers caught.

Borumba Dam is a catchment area and used for flood mitigation but is also available for recreational use - water skiers and fishermen share the area.

Our first catch!  Later on larger ones were caught.  Dave the no. 1 chef.

1 comment:

  1. Those red claws look yummy! We'll have to do this next time we're there! Jodes xxxx


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