Sunday, 15 April 2012

Forthcoming trip ... less than a week to go, just been to the travel agent and collected our travel documents.  Yay, all is in readiness!
Something from my garden ...  freshly picked flowers, blue gingers.  I don't have a lot of flowers, especially gingers in the garden but these ginger plants grow easily in this climate which is prone to frosts.  Also on the left of the picture are some green-striped tomatoes ...they taste like tomatoes despite the green colour.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Mopoke (Owl) Quilt

My patchwork creation - a birthday present for our grandson Vance whose birthday is approaching. A single bed quilt and pillowcase with a 'hoot theme' comprising of brightly coloured squares.
David' nickname for Vance is Moe as his surname is Poke. In Australia they call owls Mopokes (in kiwi land they pronounce owls as Moreporks). So the owl theme was Dave's idea, he bought the materials and I sewed it together with support from Mary. From 'go to whoa' it was finished in 4 weeks - pretty good going.
Graham visit

On Tuesday night I was treated to the delightful company of KG and Deb. They travelled down from Burnett Heads and stayed overnight before heading to the Sunshine Coast. KG is an old family friend from our Air Force days in Laverton in 1972. It was an entertaining evening with some wine and lots of old stories ... Deb proved to be one of a kind, she was able to be silence KG on many occasions.

Monday, 2 April 2012

A weekend at Borumba Dam

Recently we spent a lovely couple of days camping and boating out at Borumba Dam.  With Borumba being relatively close to home, we towed the camper van out and Dave returned home to collect the boat.  We were able to camp in comfort and also have the convenience of the boat on the lake.  The camp ground was on the banks of Yabba Creek with lots of shade trees, green grass and gardens surrounding - a beaut spot to camp. 

On the lake we set the Red Claw traps and then we stooged around the area.  Dave chanced a lure for the local Yellow Belly but the yabbies were really the aim of the game.  We had good returns with red claw being in the pots each time we checked.  Overnight was when the catch was the best but even during the day there were good numbers caught.

Borumba Dam is a catchment area and used for flood mitigation but is also available for recreational use - water skiers and fishermen share the area.

Our first catch!  Later on larger ones were caught.  Dave the no. 1 chef.

Stuff … activities, crafty things that happened in 2024

 Some golf stuff At the end of the year, ladies golf Xmas lunch presentations and get-together …  I didn’t feature in any of the awards havi...