Thursday, 17 August 2023

🏌🏌 HACKING another glorious HOLE-IN-ONE

 News too good to keep to myself - at 11:00 am on Wednesday 16 August 2023 on the 17th hole on the Gympie Golf Course, I nailed a beauty for an official hole-in-one.  It created a bit more of a stir as it was our annual ladies Open Day of which we had 96 entrants from around our zone. 

Standing on the 17th tee, with the green in the background (yellow flag can be seen in the photo above my cap).  Obviously we have no fairway irrigation by the signs of brown grass and dirt - lots of 'run' on the fairways!

Our group kicked up that much noise, it attracted the attention of the Course Marshall.  He forgave us for about 5 minutes and then told us to hurry up!  The coincidence of the situation was that a lass in the group had been playing SOCIALLY with another person and I about 2 years ago when I luckily hit a HIO then. She was re-telling the girls in the current group of my feat then, and lo and behold I repeated it.  Unbelievable really cause I'd been playing like an old chook for most of the game.

Collecting the ball out of the hole

Obviously Lady Luck was smiling upon me and all the planets were aligned for such an amazing shot.  Never mind that I had to buy my own bottle of bubbly.

Officially (in competition golf) I now have 3 HIO, all on the Gympie Golf Course.

1st was in 2016, 2nd in 2018, 3rd in 2023, and the social one was in 2020.  Anyway all 3 are mounted with the balls, sitting on the stand, gathering dust and beautiful memories.

Saturday, 24 June 2023

Wedding Anniversary and Dragonboat Regatta at Bundaberg June 2023


53 years of togetherness!  David has many medals for this achievement but I wouldn't let him wear them on the night.     😇😇😇

David surprised me, thus organised the special event.  We went to a place called Amore-on-Buderim, a gorgeous self contained villa set amongst a rainforest.  It was very private and cosy, complete with a wood fire and spa.  Restaurants weren't many as it was a Monday night but he found a great little Sushi joint not far from the accommodation.  It suited me fine as I adore Japanese-type foods, not so much Dave but he sacrificed his tastes for mine on the occasion.  I felt very spoiled and special on this lovely evening.  He can and is very sweet.

In the photo below, I think I look a lot like Bev but Dave reckons Val (poor sisters)

Dave and Jean 5 June 2023


Also during the month, our Dragonboat Club participated in one of our Wide Bay Regattas at Bundaberg which is a couple of hours North of Gympie.  We drove up on the Friday night, paddled Saturday and returned home on the Sunday.  A nice break from home routine.

Our Motel view of the Burnett River up and downstream


An evening view of the river

Roomies - Laura, Linda and Elaine.  We tried to avoid a selfie but anyway, here we are,  in all our glory!
Elaine and Linda are long term mates and we travelled around China together as well.  Laura is a newbie 
and she was a virgin paddler on this trip.  She is also a really keen rower and does that at another venue 
about twice a week in addition to twice a week paddling with us.  She still has a husband too!

Being SILLY - Laura and I slept in the King Size and the other two were in an another bedroom.  Laura and I were snorers.

We had raced, only over 200 metres and came in second!

Like Brown's  Cows lining up to board the boat, it's social racing so no strict marshalling.

Toni, my paddling buddy.  The protocol is we number off when we first are seated and she is the one I must save if the boat overturns.

Anyway a fun weekend was had, but no medals.  Lots of enjoyment in the way of exercise, the camaraderie with other clubs and plenty of eating and drinking with mates.  

The Wide Bay Regatta series is between 4 clubs at their home venues in the last half of the year.  From January through to March we paddle at lake Kawana with different Brisbane clubs.  It's quite a full calendar and there are also novelty events.  Recently we had a long paddle with a sister club because they were training for the marathon Ord River event in WA.  Other times we go for a long leisurely paddle with a safety boat accompanying us and the destination maybe a picnic on the bank somewhere before we go home.  It's a great hobby and easy way to exercise plus it's very social too.


Thursday, 18 May 2023

2023 - New Car, Singing Group and Shrub

 Recent Posts  have been "on hold" due to forgetting password and all damn hassle involved in getting back into the account!

Anyway not a lot happening in our little world except the usual routine stuff but it is our little world we like.

Dave 'shouted' himself a new car … downsizing being the main reason and maybe also being defiant about Electric Cars.  The VW Tiguan is the last diesel car made in 2023 so it was his choice.  It has all the luxuries of the old Volvo but a tad smaller and reckons it has the same grunt.  He has spent time finding out all the abilities of the car and he proudly shows them when I'm in the car.  He's still working on the Park Assist, reckons he has to trust the car first before he allows it to takeover.  Vehicle has nice clean lines to the body without being overstated (he says). 

Anyway he waited ages with all the 'supply distribution excuses' so he's happy to finally get it.

Dave on Anzac Day displaying his Dad's and own medals after returning from the Dawn 

U3A Retro Jukebox Singing Group

One of my new activities for the year …. tee hee I can hear you all thinking as David often tells everyone I'm the only Maori that can't sing.

For those who don't know, U3A is a self-help, adult education.  There's a range of educational, physically, and socially stimulating activities aimed at over 50s.  Most members are empty nesters, semi-retired or retired - emphasis is on enjoyment, interest and fun.

Anyway I chose to join the most fun and the (most difficult)  Retro Jukebox, they rock out hits from the fifties and sixties.  We practise weekly and also perform for various community groups from time to time.  Some of us even wear our best rock and roll outfits.

Now the truth about it all, we have computerized music with loud volume blasting-out and we sing to it.  No one can really hear the flat and out-of-tune voices as the music disguises us.  We have all the lyrics in front of us so we look and sound quite authentic.  In the picture below, Chrissy, the lady with the red necktie is the sole person who has a wonderful voice.  She carries most of us all of the time.  Believe it or not, our singing that everyone does for about 90 minutes a day, really does have an overwhelming quality of making one feel 'good'.  They reckon it's all about getting lots of oxygen into lungs and breathing which  gives out the good vibes.  Anyway it works for me.

Members performing at Grevillea Gardens in April

I'm hiding in the back row, 3rd from the right.  This particular occasion we were at an Old Persons' Home and we had a live audience.  Most of the women singalong but a lot of the old fellas usually have to be wakened with a cup of tea and biscuit.  They give the impression to 'sort of ' enjoy it.  

I often have a giggle and think this is the scenario in reverse in about (hopefully) 20 years time.

On this occasion we were at the Lions Club Senior Citizens Meeting.  The audience were ones of our own vintage and  we were received very well, polite applause but no encores!  Maybe next time …

Believe it or not it is Fun.

These couple of shots are mainly for Jodi's benefit.  She gave as a 50th anniversary present back in covid times this Crepe Myrtle or a Pride of India plant.  It was a mature shrub at the time and during Spring and Summer it has a mass of White bunches of flowers.  Ad the seasons cool the leaves change colour.

First shades of changing colour

It's turned quite reddish now and losing it's leaves for Winter

It's very colourful all year round … quite lovely.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...