Thursday, 26 November 2020

Holiday in Norfolk Island Nov 2020


Our Norfolk Island trip postponed from March 2020 because of the border closures, now came to fruition - and a welcome getaway it was.

A little island, approximately 35 sq kms, north east of Brisbane and only a two hour flight.  It turned out to be a little piece of paradise.  Mountains, rugged clifftops and the seashore, massive Norfolk Island pines, and breathtaking scenery.

Our accommodation, The Islander, boasted the best view on the island and it really was!  We could see Nepean Island and Phillip Island from our lounge room, the reef and all the activity on the water…. boats snorkelers, swimmers, exercisers, cows, the lot!

See for yourself, a magnificent panoramic view ...

The buildings in the foreground were of Kingston where the penal settlement is situated.

The stands of Norfolk pines were many, very majestical and symmetrical in shape, on the island.

We had 6 days on the island and while a lot of the touristy activities weren't available, we mainly did our own thing and explored by ourselves.

The reef at low tide was popular with snorkelers and the water was crystal clear,

Some white boobies nesting on the grass-topped cliffs

  Some of the wildlife...

Didn't sight the Green Parrot anywhere but it's supposed to be very shy, I did see a couple of Red Robins

A grove of Ficus trees with huge exposed roots, located opposite A Hundred Acre Reserve

My presence gives a good perspective of the root sizes.

Some wonderful greenery of ferns, orchids, tree ferns, natives and Norfolk Pines, all part of the National Park

Open-grazing is practised on Norfolk Island, fences are to keep out livestock rather than in.
Chooks were feral on the island and roamed freely … roosters contributed to the problem and chicks were everywhere as well.

Some very healthy cows in the long paddock.  Cows have right of way when it comes to traffic and wear reflective ear tags so they can be seen easily at night on the roads.

Unsurpassed views

Many breath-taking coastal scenes - blue water and green grass!

In my opinion, probably one of the prettiest spots in the world, note the Little Rock pool.  To the right were also Little Rock pools on smaller islands - quite exquisite.

The St Barnabas chapel, an Anglican Church built by the Melanesians and the missionaries around 1880.
The beautiful Rose Window was dedicated to the memory of those workers who had given their lives in the islands.

The Golf Course with it's lush green grass fairways and long grass hazards.  The pro shop and restaurant are in the Georgian style buildings

A sample of the countryside ...

A Rat Trap Station - rats are one of the very few pests on the island

A part of the old and modern cemetery - note the windswept shrubs on the hillside

Dave accompanied me and he was delighted to spend most afternoons in the only craft brewery on the island

Another spectacular view of Kingston, looking down to the golf course and Quality Row Rd  - these houses were for the 'toffs' back in the convict settlement times.

I treated myself to a Gardens Tour and had a lovely experience, learning about some of the endangered natives and some of unique challenges such as wind and salt.  It seemed many of the gardens were buffered by the wind by growing hedges - the pohutukawa was very popular for this purpose.  However the volcanic soil and sub-tropical climate made it easy for gardening providing there was a bit of protection from the wind.

A Myrita - there's a narrow and broad leafed variety and looks a bit like one of the figs that are currently trendy

A young Gingko Biloba??

Emily Bay - a safe swimming spot on the island and yes I swam, weather was perfect.

"Darby and Joan"

We both thoroughly enjoyed the visit, very laid-back lifestyle and very friendly locals.  A lovely change from all the techno-whizz stuff on the mainland, only 2G technology and DVD's used.
We pretty well covered the island on roads (shocking condition) and tracks and it's pretty peaceful except for the odd moo and rooster crowing.

Thursday, 12 November 2020


 The event happened a couple of weeks ago but pretty recent for a hole-in-one.  Obviously I was very EXCITED.

The hole was a par 3 but it was visible from the tee so we all saw the flight and the ball roll into the hole.

I overshot the green, ball rolled up the hill and rolled down again, normally it would have rolled off the green and down into the gully.  In this instance it hit the pin and bingo.  HEE HAR!

It won't be listed on the wall in the golf club cause it occurred in a social match.  The girls in the photo with me were witnesses

It's my third one but just as thrilling as the first.  

Helen, Jean and Sandra, one memorable Friday arvo
May there be many more ...

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Up in the sky …. 20 Sept 2020

What a treat and what an experience!

Alana, a good mate turned 65 recently and to celebrate decided on a joy ride in the air.  I was her special and lucky (but unwilling) friend to accompany her.

The aircraft was an Open Cockpit WACO Biplane and is affectionately known as Marilyn as in Marilyn Monroe
She has a super sturdy aerodynamic airframe and has massive double wings, capacity of 275hp 12.5L, 7 cylinder Jacobs radial engine. 

She did look rather classy and sophisticated.

Passengers putting on a brave face

(Alana) Emily Earhart and (Jean) 
Amy Johnson - the real pilot Rodney is sitting in the rear.

Part of the Sunshine Coast

Our trip took in the Caloundra beaches, the Mooloolaba Spit, Pt Cartwright and the hinterland to Diamond Valley over Ewen Maddock Dam and Australia Zoo.  It was a lovely smooth flight with commentary from the pilot.  Of course the Queensland weather played the part to make it an unforgettable day.

Rodney the pilot even gave us more than we bargained for, on landing he opted for the grass instead of the tarmac to give us a special but safe landing.

Happy to be back on Terra Firma


Sunday, 6 September 2020

A Fancy Dress - Sat 5 Sep


My latest little venture - Zumba dance.  I've been going to classes, probably 6 so far and find it pretty challenging, a lot of fun and a good aerobic workout.  I sort of know the moves of most of the popular songs and can keep up with the group, now I just need to loosen up and shake some 'boodie'.  There are a lot of learners in the class so nobody feels really foolish … lots of giggles and laughs!

Anyway just recently we had a 3 hour dance party with the fancy dress theme of Heroes and villains.  I got into the spirit of things and came up with a topical idea - the corona virus.

It was an entirely home made costume from bits and pieces - a beanie with golf tees inserted inside out with pom poms glued to the tips.  I safety pinned a garland of pom poms on the outside legs of a pair of jeans.  Also I donned a pair of Elton John glasses to be incognito.

As I left home, David suggested to watch my speed, cause if I got stopped by authorities they'd think I should be locked up!

Guess who, What am I????

As you can see the other girls were all glammed up and went as heroes - Zumba queen, tooth fairy, a suffragette, super woman, Queen Bee and a health care worker.  I was the only villain!

There were plenty of healthy snacks to keep our energy levels up and I managed to keep hydrated with my Corona beers.  It was pretty hot in our upstairs room and we only had one 15 minute break so we sweated a lot as we stomped away.  It was a fun time.

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Darwin Trip Aug 2020

Alana, a friend and I were very lucky to get onto a Virgin flight to Darwin shortly after the NT border opened up.  Equipped with face masks and sanitiser we set off.  There was a little hassle with border passes as the night before we travelled, the Brisbane Airport became part of a Covid 19 hotspot.  Anyway it was all overcome.  Alana lived in Darwin previously so she was able to look up old friends as well.

Jodes, Alana and Jean down at Nightcliff foreshore, enjoying the sunset, a drink  and later a meal.  The boys were on the beach playing and swimming.

The magnificent view from our hotel balcony

Jean and Jodes share a welcoming drink

After a hectic morning at the Parap markets, we retreated to the hotel, where we played a board game "Totally Gross".  It was a fun and educational game when they weren't getting Nana to make a fool of herself!  Jodes was a particularly good sport ...

Sunday morning on a high tide and Nightcliff beach is busier than Smith Street  … during the dry season anyway when the box jellyfish  are elsewhere and hopefully the crocs are too!

With our visit I was fortunate to luck in the Darwin Festival during our stay.  It's an annual arty festival of music, theatre, dance, comedy and family events. Because of the Covid 19 it was an entirely homegrown local talent show.  The evening we attended was very relaxing, sitting on the grass listening to Mandy Garling surrounded by some great indigenous art, the delicious smells of asian food wafting around and in like—minded company.  

Jodes and her two lads who were pleased to be there just hate photos!

Unwilling subjects again ...

Kai enjoying his pizza

Some of the scenes around the festival …
a lovely nighttime view...

one of the stages ...

Mother and daughter

Another very nice evening out … a meal at the Sailing Club
cop that sunset!

At one of the local cafes … if I'd had room in my bag I'd have pinched the beautiful seat.

Alana posing at one of totems adorning the CBD.

Jean and Keith

 Eventually we got down to visit Keith and Anna at Virginia down the track.  After Keith made us some delicious Maori bread and Anna some lovely Greek pasties we visited Anna's sister's on her animal farm.
Anna had to pick up some ducklings for a show and tell at school the next day.  We were given a full tour of Helen's zoo… ducks, chooks, goats, emu, pheasant.

Vance and Bert the Emu.

Kai thinks Mums going to let him keep the duckling.

It was only a week stay but fairly tightly scheduled as usual.  I caught up company with both Yeow and Betty for nice luncheons.  Great catching up girls.

Jodes and the boys were pleased to see the back of me as well.  It was a working and school days for them so very tiring for them entertaining Nana.  It was a lovely time, so thanks all round.

A typical day ending sunset - absolutely brilliant.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...