Sunday 3 September 2017

A young notable award ... young Vance

One of those nice moments when the offspring shine ... a particularly proud time for Mum and Dad Poke to share the occasion with young Vance.

A very pretty Mum, clever Vance and gummy Kai

A group entry by Vance and some classmates contributed towards a winning entry in the Young Territory Authors Award for their school.  It was a collaborative effort with apparently Vance's efforts being in the illustrating department ( I reckon he was the brains behind it all).  If he is in anyway creatively-inclined, it's probably his dad's genes, a teensy-weensy bit of his mother and probably most of it is from Pops Peters.

Proud authors!
Whilst the school benefited financially, it's probably a very good feeling for the kids to know they are a little better in some way and pretty rewarding for parents too!  Well done group and especially Vance - good job.

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BANJO aka Brat