Saturday, 17 December 2016

One of our Xmas outings ... with the golf ladies

Black and White golfers
We had a fantastic day for our ladies Christmas party and annual presentations. Everyone was dressed in black and white and looked fabulous.  Our mystery bus tour took us to Ross Creek at Goomboorian to have a round of golf at the Putt Putt.  Host Fred was wonderful and we had a fun time with a lovely morning tea. 

Following this we took the back roads to the highway, a way that many ladies had never before travelled, and ended up at the historic Theebine Hotel for a lovely roast meal and pavlova for lunch. Here we stayed for presentations as the venue was relaxing.  
Some fun games (and some that made us really think) were organised so we all had a good laugh.  After lunch we drove out to the historic Dickabran bridge which is apparently the highest wooden bridge in Australia.
A pity I didn't get any of the major awards but I got a novelty one, it was for being the champion ball finder. One of the main reasons people want to play with me is that I can track golf balls in flight, when they riccochet off trees or rocks etc in the rough, gardens, you name it and I usually see them go in, plus I have excellent long distance seeing skills as well.  However I received my eagle badge and hole-in-one trophy as well.  It was a fun day out.

The lady in the photo, 3rd on the left with the lei around her neck is an amazing golfer and sports veteran.  She is 3 months off being 80, has accumulated 16 club championships, 5 hole-in-ones, 9 eagles and has competed in some of the most prestigious  golf tournaments in the country.  She has overcome a  serious heart problem to be still playing extremely competitively with her handicap of single figures.  She is truly inspirational!  On'ya Dell.

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