Monday, 25 January 2016

Grand daughter - 5 1/2 years

Angel is playing dress-ups, adorned in a 'traditional' Maori costume she really looks the part.

I guess if she wore her mother's traditional dress then she would probably look like a demure Vietnamese girl.

Angel - trainee Maori princess
We think she's a pretty good Aussie sheila too! (today being Australia Day)

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Our time in NZ

20 December 2015 - 4 January 2016

Dave, Jodes and I ventured over to kiwiland to visit family over Xmas/New Year.  It was a real treat for Jodes as she hadn't travelled to NZ for 15 years but unfortunate in that she wasn't able to take her boys along.

We hired a rental car from the aiport, drove up North and stayed 4 nights on Bev and Richard's farm in Otaua.  We then drove up to Tokerau Beach on the Karikari Peninsula and stayed with Nor and Don and others over Xmas and New Year.  Mum joined us for some of the time which was great because she was on the top of our list to see. She was in pretty good shape and spirits, alas prone to memory lapses at times.

Our main intention was to catch up with family members and it was a bonus to meet any new extended family.

Noreen and Don are pretty much the same, very accommodating folks and really laid back - it was a pleasure to be with them and stay at the bach.  At the same time we got to spend time with Clinton, his friend Tess and kids, Max and Sophie. Kerrie, Kevin and Kydon also got out to the beach with us.  Kydon is an absolute sweetie - I expect great things where he is concerned!

A lot of time was spent doing things out on the water-  Jodes, Dave and Don on fishing trips, others collected tuatuas, and some dived for mussels.  We ate a lot of seafood at the beach.  Jodi hauled in a couple of good-sized King fish so it was a real buzz for her.

It was lovely seeing Bev and Richard again.  We enjoyed the time on their farm as well.  Jodi now knows a bit more about electric fences!

We caught up with Jack and Rimu's mob for a short time also.  Trevor and some of his family were up at the farm as well so it was even more of an occasion.

Last but not least of the family members - Jovy and Lorna-Jen Crallan.  We had a meal with them on the last night in Auckland.  Lovely to see some wonderful whanau.

At a very popular Vietnamese restaurant in Otahuhu - Dave, Lorna-Jen, Jean, Jovy and Jodi

We had brilliant weather for the first 10 days of our visit, but thereafter it was rain and wind.  The country badly needed the water so the locals were rejoicing.

We had a day to spare in Auckland before flying out so Jodes and I went into the city for some sightseeing.  During the day we organised an upward vertical bungy ride, or slingshot- locally known as the Auckland City Screamer. Talk about a thrill!  Admittedly I had a bit of gentle coercion from Jodes to board but I truly enjoyed the buzz.


....too late for second thoughts



think we're upside down???




oh the relief!
I made sure I had visited the toilet before I got on the machine!


Some miscellaneous photos of folks and places over the hols ....

the skipper and deckie - Don and Jodes (Da Neice)

On the deck - three ladies

The family road at Mangamuka

Same old Jack - my brother
In the shed-at the bach-up the beach

Richard my brother-in-law sitting, My sister Nor  standing

Bev, my baby sister

Visiting Norm at the cemetery

Tuatua pickers enjoying a beer

Ladies at Carrington's winery

Trevor Crallan and Tarewa

Rangiputa - a pretty bay down the road from the bach

Mum, daughter and Aunt

Sophie, Jodes and Tess sharing a joke

Young Max and Sophie Jordan

Grandmother, grand daughter and daughter

Jodes with a couple of good-sized Kingies.  Fish were being elusive over the period we were there

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...