Saturday, 24 October 2015

Springtime in the garden

A kalaeidoscope of colour in the garden, some plants flowering for the first time, some showier than others, some more fragrant but there's ablaze around the yard.  It's certainly a time of year when your efforts seem to be rewarded.

Red Hot Pokers in the front garden
These plants require absolutely no attention at all, drought tolerant and frost hardy and they just keep on flowering, they are a joy to view each spring.

Alana gave me these cuttings and they were unceremoniously shoved in the mulch and lo and behold some stunning blooms ...
Walking lillies?

The kangaroo paws are a delight to the driveway, just lovely and colourful to greet all comers ... the flowers last and last for ages.

Kangaroo Paws

Common old lantana, it has no prickles and very easy to maintain so it's a winner in my garden.  My neighbour gave me a cutting and I have several patches of it in the garden beds.  I love the mass of yellow.

I am really excited about the prospect of having fruit off the Feijoa.  I've applied potash to ensure the flowers hold on the tree etc.  but if the flowers all come to fruition there will be a feast cause the tree is covered!

Cat's Eyes or Blue Sapphire
A nice little filler or ground cover, this plant seems to flower on and off most times of the year - very easy to maintain.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

4T - our Jodes

Yes!  She's that number - fabulous, fantastic, fit  and full of life!

Vicky, her girlfriend and Jodes, both had same age birthdays and so chose a dual celebration.

They selected a great venue - on the water.  A sailing vessel named Cape Adieu which took fifty revellers out onto Darwin Harbour for a magic sunset cruise.

Birthday gals
 The vessel was pretty large with plenty of room for people to mingle and move about.  The shade cloth is mandatory for the Darwin weather.

Nana and her lads
 Pulling out of Darwin wharf.  I managed to get five minutes company with the grandies before they were darting around, up and down stairs ...

Dennis Ehling, Cynthia and John Lyne catching up with Dave

Mature guests were in the minority but  we sought refuge up the back of the boat where we could talk and hear one another.  Amidst the Oyster Shooters, Bubbly, beer and yummy finger food it was an extremely pleasant time.  The 'younger' set hit town afterwards and we thought if we were 20 years younger we might have done the same thing!

The Darwin has sunset never failed to amaze, just a brilliant spectacle.

Dave and I stayed in Darwin for a week (would have been longer if it was in the dry season).  We stayed at Keith and Anna's joint down the Stuart Highway at Coolalinga.  

It was school holidays so we were able to get and do a couple of things with the kids.

The good old Water Gardens at Rapid Creek, an oasis amongst beautiful tropical gardens, is great to hangout when you're weary of air con.

Fountains, waterfalls are always popular in the heat.  The boys enjoying themselves.

Tenpin bowling is always a big hit for youngsters and especially by boys who love to smash things!

There's a new joint called Kingpin in Millner whereby you can spend a fortune playing tenpin bowling, laser games, climbing ropes, a games arcade and also to eat and drink - great if you are a kid with grandparents in town.

Excited bowlers!
Van in action

Kai with the aid of the ramp was able to beat his big brother.  I thought he had a very distinctive bowling style.

It was a good time guys.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...