Wednesday 23 September 2015

Dave's trip by motorbike from Gympie to Darwin ... alone

Wednesday 23 September

Jodes 40th is being celebrated in Darwin a week or so's time.  I am flying to and fro but Dave obviously has other transport options.

Dave is leaving  Gympie to ride to Darwin on his BMW.  Apparently it is a trip he has longed to do.  However it is extra challenging as he also has a tear in his right bicep but with proper strapping and assurance from a physio he should manage the ride okay.  He's prepared extensively so hope all goes to plan.

Packing his bike - luggage-wise he has a top box and 2 side panniers

Gloves, jacket, helmet and kevla pants are donned

Off he goes ... 3, 376 kilometres to go!

He intends to ride to Darwin over 7 days, sightseeing along the way and taking his time between fuel stops, resting up etc.etc

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BANJO aka Brat