Monday, 28 September 2015

Dave's in the Territory!

Speedy Gonzales has motored some miles and undoubtedly been taking no notice of speed restrictions.  He travelled the Barkly Highway to Tennant Creek in one day then headed to Mataranka the following day.

Mataranka was always regarded as a bit of an oasis - lovely palms and croc-free water (it used to be anyway).

Regardless it's a lovely spot to spend a couple of days resting up ...

 As Dave has observed and is probably correct, the sprinklers above the palms have something to do with deterring the flying foxes.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Update on Dave's motorbike journey ....

The Lone Ranger rides into Longreach, Central Western Queensland - The Outback (Proper)

 The main street of Longreach, QLD

The car numbers are probably higher when Dave called as the town was in the grip of concert fever featuring Paul Kelly, Lee Kernaghan and the popular artist Canadian Bryan Adams.  No accommodation was available in town.
The Qantas Museum is located in Longreach and he was able to look around there.  

Banjo Paterson

Winton, as most Australians know is the home of the Waltzing Matilda lyrics - apparently Banjo Paterson wrote the lyrics in 1895 whilst staying at a local station in the area (I think).  Anyway a museum was built in the town with a lot of memorabilla and relics relating to Banjo Paterson and Australiana.  Unfortunately a recent fire destroyed the exhibition so the below photo shows the ruins ...

As part of the Outback Festival there was an airshow - quite spectacular ...

No. 1 accommodation - motel
Dave had to ride on for a bed and washbasin in Kynuna ... pretty basic stuff!

Anyway after 4 days and no incidents he's reached Mt Isa so it's pretty good going....

More to follow.................................................................................

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Dave's trip by motorbike from Gympie to Darwin ... alone

Wednesday 23 September

Jodes 40th is being celebrated in Darwin a week or so's time.  I am flying to and fro but Dave obviously has other transport options.

Dave is leaving  Gympie to ride to Darwin on his BMW.  Apparently it is a trip he has longed to do.  However it is extra challenging as he also has a tear in his right bicep but with proper strapping and assurance from a physio he should manage the ride okay.  He's prepared extensively so hope all goes to plan.

Packing his bike - luggage-wise he has a top box and 2 side panniers

Gloves, jacket, helmet and kevla pants are donned

Off he goes ... 3, 376 kilometres to go!

He intends to ride to Darwin over 7 days, sightseeing along the way and taking his time between fuel stops, resting up etc.etc

Colour in the garden ... Spring 2015

Spring is about ... some warmth in the air and also some bonus rain ...


This year I had a go at planting some bulbs, some daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, freesias and some ranunuculas.  Very little success really and probably the best showing was of the Freesias.

This is my first hippeastrum to flower.  This year I moved all the bulbs to one area so theoretically there should be a blanket of colour ... we'll see.

We had a very mild Winter and we "dressed" the vulnerable so most plants didn't suffer any frost bite.  Consequently the plants are looking pretty good for this time of the year.  I'm 'gamely' taking secateurs and shears to many bushes that I previously left for fear of destroying them so we will wait and see how that little exercise pays off.

We've had bumper yields of citrus which David attributes to his lavish amounts of troforte (type of fertiliser).  There has been an overall improvement in the health of the garden so maybe the years of fertilising, watering, mulching and attention is starting to pay dividends.  Mind you with Dave being at home for the last 3 months there has been more attention than if he wasn't here.

Anyway the garden in my humble opinion is looking lovely!

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...