Monday, 25 May 2015

Runners-up in Golf - Pennants play

Yay, a Gympie team shines ...

For the uninitiated Pennants is a form of competition involving match play which is played inter-club on a district zone level.  It used to be for dinky-di players (low handicappers) but they have introduced an open category whereby the rules are a little more flexible e.g a team of 5 players that could be interchanged and handicaps were played to, and a shorter season.  This being the case, it allowed players like myself who are relatively inexperienced to participate in serious one-on-one matchplay (players play against one another instead of against the course).

I'm not claiming to be an actual competitor but I was the reserve - in case anyone had a mishap during the week or on the morning of the game then I was it.  Fortunately for the team and me, my opportunity didn't arise which I am quietly relieved.  My form has been somewhat lacking of late!

I caddied and observed for the better players to better my understanding of match play - the procedure, marking the card and learning tactics and strategies.  I learnt one needs to be very competitive, determined and it's not for the faint-hearted.  I could get to enjoy it.

Sunday, 24 May 2015


From delinquents, to up and coming sports stars to green thumbs ...

Jodi's latest position that she loves is at a suburban Darwin school.  She has classes in the garden, the kitchen and at the shop front - growing, cooking and selling produce.  She has great community support in the form of working bees, donations and assistance from committed Mums and Dads and interested kids.

Jodes the garden teacher
Here's hoping funding for the position continues.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Boys New Pets

A birthday present for Vance and Kai  being a set of guinea pigs.  Apparently they are both male so hopefully there are no multitudes of family!

"Fireball" is Van's GP

"Guinea Guy" is Kai's GP
I'm sure they will be both loved and well cared for by their little owners.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Dave's 66

Despite many and long protestations from Dave, he too, like many others have celebrated another year on this planet.  He was away at work for his actual birthday but as soon as he was home we gathered a few of his local mates for a get together occasion.

The birthday boy
Dave's shed was the ideal spot as he tended his keg to cook the pork and lamb.  The fireplace out in the yard was great to keep folks warm and the coals were used to cook the 'tatties' and sweet potatoes in alfoil.  A nice informal spot for the men to relax in.

The cake.  The lighted candles detracted from the cake decoration as the illumination out-dazzled the detail.  The cake depicted a miniature motorbike  in a country scene including road signs.
Some of the guests ...

The lads

The Sherestons and the Readers

Jim and Judy Saunders

Gary and Judy - bro and sis

Col and Cath English

Alanna and Dave
Deb seemed to dodge the camera somehow.  I don't know where she got to!  As the night progressed the bonfire became the centre of attention and the dying embers saw us hit the sack around 2am.

Happy birthday Dave.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...