Wednesday, 5 March 2025

A teenage mate of Dave’s, visit


Originally, Russell and David met in the first year of leaving high school which was  in a small West Australian Railway Siding of Dullbelling. Apparently it was the first job for either of them, probably around 1966 … nearly 60 years ago.  According to David, Russell was a city kid who had little experience in outback living and it was just as well, David was there!  Anyway they worked, socialised, drank and got up to the usual fun and games that youths did back then.  

Obviously their paths then veered in different directions.  They periodically kept in touch, one occasion in Sydney and later on in Perth around 1997.  Russell now lives in the US where he has been for several years.  Earlier in the year when he attended a Vietnam Vets reunion, and to catch up with his brother in Rockingham, Russell called into Brisbane on his way back to the States  to see David.

Dave and Russell

It was 5 days of much reminiscing and good old Aussie embellishment .  Lovely seeing you Russell.

A teenage mate of Dave’s, visit

  Originally, Russell and David met in the first year of leaving high school which was  in a small West Australian Railway Siding of Dullbel...