Sunday, 10 November 2024

Informal ‘Wallabies (ex Malaysia) Gathering’ - Burnett Heads Oct 2024

A big trip down memory lane …

We all, (don’t know the number cause I’m not allowed to subscribe to the Black Rat website), gathered in Burnett Heads, QLD for the weekend of October 25-27, 2024.  We reminisced our days of playing and supporting the Wallabies FC in Malaysia.  Around 47 years ago!

KG (the Pig) was our big-hearted host.  Apparently he managed to manipulate the expertise of many to organise the event!  KG had the network of the local Burnett Heads community, TC and Bleaters (Dave Peters) did the rest. (I’m repeating hearsay)

Down at the Burnett Heads Lighthouse Hotel, the main venue for the gathering.  TC had gone to the trouble of hanging a Wallabies Football Club banner in the beer garden area but the fuddy duddies claimed it was too hot to go out for the photo take so instead we have other footie memorabilia in the background.

Gladdie aka Junee is probably the only recognisable person in the picture, the rest of us forgot to wear our name badges.

On the Sunday KG and Deb hosted the informal day at their place.   The under cover garden area was perfect for the gathering - handy barbecue and never-ending nibbles.

Greenie, Al Langston, and Tevi listening to Dubb’s exploits off the field

JC telling Ellen to not believe a word she is told

Pat (Al Langston’s new lady friend) and ?

Chris Jones and Lorrie Cameron (listening in disbelief at all the embellishments)!

Gary Cameron holding court - Di Greene and Jethro in audience

Back at the hotel on the Saturday …

Some of the ladies
L to R Sandy, Chris, Robyn, Kerrie and Pat
Deb in the background

Al Langston and Dubbo deep in conversation

Di Greene, JC and TC (you can guarantee there’s some exaggeration taking place)

Dave, correcting Dorrie about the story he’s spinning to Gladdie


Ellen in company with Betty and Kev

It was a great weekend, wonderful catching-up with old timers and reminding ourselves what a great time we had in Malaysia.

 On their way home to NSW, Dorrie and Judith visited us in Gympie.  It was more of long and LOUD nights.  Despite that Dorrie was great company.  He even taught me more about golf than any pro succeeded in doing.  However I ended up in having to buy drinks!

Dorrie and Judith

Dorrie and Dave daring one another to look the meanest!

Judith was the perfect visitor … she took over the kitchen and Dave has never eaten as well.   Great guests and conversation … come anytime guys.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...