As a variation to our usual socialising for the Dragonboating club, we figured a climb up one of the local mountains would be a good cross-training exercise.
As I recall from many years ago (when I made the climb) it was a moderately easy ascent. However since then, my fitness level had diminished and coupled with a few extra kilos, I wondered if it was the same mountain I’d been up and down on a 37 degree day and barely worked up a sweat! It turned out to be more challenging 12 years later.
The six sensible dragons, Coach Sandy, Binnie, Elaine, Jan H, Heather and Andrea who opted to walk the streets of Pomona and go on a short shaded walk around the base of the mountain. They lunched, op-shopped and browsed the art gallery whilst the other (demented) mob attempted the climb. 
Norma, an octogenarian, Linda, myself and Meg the koala kid were the four who set out believing they could make the climb safely. After we’d dawdled up the path for 30 minutes or so with Meg giving a running commentary on the native flora and all the time hoping for a glimpse of a koala, we quickly realised this was no ordinary walk in the woods. At the 2nd benched seat we “oohed and aahed” at the amazing views and sights when we looked backwards but following that it didn’t take us long to see the track had been unmaintained, was badly eroded with loose rubble just waiting to cause a bad slip to unsuspecting optimistic oldies. Self-preservation kicked in and Meg suggested it was folly to continue so poor Norma who’d had been keen to do the climb succumbed to peer pressure.

Linda and I reckoned we’d nothing to lose except our pride so up we went. After much scrambling, (moaning) and abseiling of sorts we made it. Fortunately only the occasional back tracking when we’d picked the wrong course but I definitely appreciated having the strength in my legs and arms as it was not easy negotiating that climb.
But then as I remembered the view was breathtaking from the summit.
Relieved, stuffed and quietly concerned about getting down
Pondering the possibility of knees giving out on the descent? Only a brief doubt .....

Yay, success. Glad to have achieved it for a second time and Linda who has made the climb MANY times, we both agreed it was the last. Dear Meg was at the bottom to greet us. She was excited to find some “lerp” (bush tucker food), so she had been snacking during the wait.
However as far as extra curricular activities go, we have a trip to Carnarvon Gorge planned for October and we’ll fit a climb of the Story Bridge in Brisbane once the regattas have finished.
Go Dragon’s!