Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Darwin Trip Aug 2020

Alana, a friend and I were very lucky to get onto a Virgin flight to Darwin shortly after the NT border opened up.  Equipped with face masks and sanitiser we set off.  There was a little hassle with border passes as the night before we travelled, the Brisbane Airport became part of a Covid 19 hotspot.  Anyway it was all overcome.  Alana lived in Darwin previously so she was able to look up old friends as well.

Jodes, Alana and Jean down at Nightcliff foreshore, enjoying the sunset, a drink  and later a meal.  The boys were on the beach playing and swimming.

The magnificent view from our hotel balcony

Jean and Jodes share a welcoming drink

After a hectic morning at the Parap markets, we retreated to the hotel, where we played a board game "Totally Gross".  It was a fun and educational game when they weren't getting Nana to make a fool of herself!  Jodes was a particularly good sport ...

Sunday morning on a high tide and Nightcliff beach is busier than Smith Street  … during the dry season anyway when the box jellyfish  are elsewhere and hopefully the crocs are too!

With our visit I was fortunate to luck in the Darwin Festival during our stay.  It's an annual arty festival of music, theatre, dance, comedy and family events. Because of the Covid 19 it was an entirely homegrown local talent show.  The evening we attended was very relaxing, sitting on the grass listening to Mandy Garling surrounded by some great indigenous art, the delicious smells of asian food wafting around and in like—minded company.  

Jodes and her two lads who were pleased to be there just hate photos!

Unwilling subjects again ...

Kai enjoying his pizza

Some of the scenes around the festival …
a lovely nighttime view...

one of the stages ...

Mother and daughter

Another very nice evening out … a meal at the Sailing Club
cop that sunset!

At one of the local cafes … if I'd had room in my bag I'd have pinched the beautiful seat.

Alana posing at one of totems adorning the CBD.

Jean and Keith

 Eventually we got down to visit Keith and Anna at Virginia down the track.  After Keith made us some delicious Maori bread and Anna some lovely Greek pasties we visited Anna's sister's on her animal farm.
Anna had to pick up some ducklings for a show and tell at school the next day.  We were given a full tour of Helen's zoo… ducks, chooks, goats, emu, pheasant.

Vance and Bert the Emu.

Kai thinks Mums going to let him keep the duckling.

It was only a week stay but fairly tightly scheduled as usual.  I caught up company with both Yeow and Betty for nice luncheons.  Great catching up girls.

Jodes and the boys were pleased to see the back of me as well.  It was a working and school days for them so very tiring for them entertaining Nana.  It was a lovely time, so thanks all round.

A typical day ending sunset - absolutely brilliant.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...