Sunday, 5 May 2019

Carpet SNAKE

They say "snakes come out at night" and this indeed was the case the other night.  We had returned

home for about 10 minutes when Norman, the dog, started creating a commotion outside.  It was a

different sort of bark with a real sense of urgency and so we investigated.  Lo and behold this

bloody snake was not just outside but it was curled up round our back door!  Minutes before we had

been going in and out unloading stuff from the car to indoors.  Now Norman had him bailed up so I

needed to rescue him so we could get the snake away from the house.  For once Norman obeyed

when I called him.

Carpet snake, the unwanted visitor

Anyway dear David the pacifist, managed to shoo 'the nasty intruder' into the garden where he

disappeared up a tree.  Carpet snakes are harmless and not venomous but in my mind, the only

 good snake is a dead one.  The only nice thing one could say was the snake skin had an attractive

pattern,  but who is ever calm round a snake?

 However after that very frightening episode for me, Norman has become my champion for the way

in which he behaved in deterring the snake.  He has cemented a place in my heart and home.

Norman, the snake slayer, yayyyyy!  Incidentally the snake was about 8 foot.

Stuff … activities, crafty things that happened in 2024

 Some golf stuff At the end of the year, ladies golf Xmas lunch presentations and get-together …  I didn’t feature in any of the awards havi...