Thursday, 11 January 2018

NZ Trip November 2017

On this particular visit I decided I wanted to reunite with some relatives I didn't know very well due to life's circumstances ... those living in NZ anyway.

 I was also very interested in the Hoani family (Mum's parents) genealogy,  so these were two  areas I wanted to explore in going back to the Hokianga.

 Not to mention also, to visit my dear brother, sisters, mother and some boarding school buddies of the 60s.

My first port of call was to see Mum. She now resides at the Aged Care Home in Kaikohe.  She is very comfortable staying there and enjoys the company of others, services and care.

Mum McRae

She was pretty cheerful and in good spirits.

 I was advised Kathy (Uncle Phil's daughter) was researching the Hoani family tree and along with other family members, were organising a family reunion.  I quickly made my self known to her and my interest in genealogy as well.  She has mountains of information and is gradually putting it all together.

It's a mammoth job but she seems to get a lot of enjoyment plus satisfaction of doing it and although there is an organising committee she is spearheading it.  Good on you Kathy!

I met with Kathy at her place in Henderson

Uncle Dave and wife Linda

In Whangarei, Dave and Linda enlarged upon their side of the family and what is collectively being done at the organising committee's  meetings with regard to the reunion in August 2019.  I was lucky to catch them as they had been attending one of the monthly meetings in Kaikohe.  Various things like each family contributing to a raffle each month as a fund raiser which goes towards the reunion.  I wonder when the Crallans/McRae turn is due?

Auntie Winnie
I visited Winnie and Den at their house in Kaikohe.  It was super seeing them again, hearing about their family and refreshing my memories.

I also popped in and visited Uncle Sammy and wife Joan in Whangarei.  It's been eons since I last saw them and don't know how they recognised me.  Uncle Sammy looks really well.  Joan has been a super record holder with regards to family history as she has notes and diary entries Grandad made during the time he stayed with them.  Not to mention the wonderful portraits of Great grand father and great grand mother - I'm sure they will feature in the Hoani reunion book.

Our visit to see brother Harry...
Niece Lorna-Jen and sister-in-law Jovy tidying brother Harry's grave

In Auckland my very accommodating sister-in-law put me up for a couple of nights.  Talented, Lorna-Jen entertained us with some beautiful piano pieces in the evening and proved she's a pretty good cook in the kitchen as well. Thank you ladies.

The Moselen girls, Alison Rogers on the right of the photo and  myself

Another highlight of my visit was to catch up with some boarding school girls 50 years later!
Thank goodness for name badges.  Anyway there was a well organised gathering of about 60 women who made it for the mini reunion.  Unfortunately I can't show any photos of the day (my technological know-how is not compatible with my camera, phone and iPad with a new iMac).  So the likes of Anne Cripps, Jenny Hildreth, Liz Doreen, Kiddo don't feature on the blog.  Anyhow in the evening Peggy hosted a really lovey night for her sisters, Alison and I.   The tales and stories flowed along with the vino...  I enjoyed the company and evening so much, thank you girls.
It was great fun, Pegs.

Bryan Williams (ex-AB) and moi.
Nobody else would probably understand this except maybe Dave (hubby) but I am an avid All Black fan from early days to this current day.  To meet an ex-AB and rugby royalty as good as Bryan is an absolute thrill.  He was an outstanding winger in the 70's who starred during the South African tour when apartheid was in place.  He is of Islander descent so had to tour as an honorary "white" as part of the All Blacks team.  

Anyway as it happens he married a lass I was at boarding school in Whangarei.  When we were touring the old hostel, he came to meet up with his wife and I recognised him, voila! 

 Doesn't take much to make me happy!

Brother-in-law Don and sister Noreen
Noreen, one of my younger sisters entertained me to the hilt while I stayed at her place, bubbly flowed freely and often.  Don was such a good sport as well.  A fabulous time was enjoyed.  We won't talk about the game of golf though, will we folks??

Grand nephew Kydon and niece Kerrie 

Brother Jack
On this visit, Jack was in retirement so it's the first time we have been together in such relaxing circumstances.  As always Rimu was a great hostess and always a good source for all the family happenings.  It was good to meet some of their extended family members as well -  Jane, kids, John and Mervyn.

At my request Jack turned out to be a great driver and guide. He took me down to meet some whanau from down around the Skyline, Panguru, Pawarenga and Motukaraka.  It was very informative and interesting to visit the cemetery sites where our relatives are buried.  It really meant a lot to me.

The photo below is of Mum's marae - the area where Mum's parents grew up and are buried.  this is the intended site of the Hoani family reunion in August 2019.

Motukaraka  marae, sitting on the banks of the Hokianga Harbour
What a gorgeous setting and especially for a big family reunion.  I can't wait to meet everyone.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...