Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Another fishing charter ... 24 July 2017

1770 Charter (near Agnes Waters, QLD)

The Fishing Club finally got a trip out of 1770 for a day's fishing.  Dave starred in that he caught the largest fish of the trip, a cod weighing in around 8 kgs. (lots of feeds)  Apparently his photo of he and the fish goes up on the pub wall at Burrum Heads for the year until the fish of the year is decided.  He caught about 7 fish in total, a Maori Cod (2.7 kg) and Red Emperor were a good size.

Winners are grinners!

For about 5 years the charters out of  1770 have been cancelled due to high winds so it was a real surprise when this trip got off the ground.  Dave was a real happy chappy with his efforts and apparently he put it down to using fresh bait.  Others got smaller fish and were using lures.

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Dave's latest pursuits

The title sounds more intriguing than the actual thing, but guinea fowl and tiling are something new at our place.

Dave has a natural interest in birds (except crows) so to add to the flocks of native birds he feeds, he now has 4 guinea fowl.  He's in the process of domesticating them as they have an instinct to fly off to greener pastures if they aren't caged (trained) for a short period. The three weeks are nearly up for their penning period so in a couple of days they will be temporarily released.  In the first instance for an hour a day then it's gradually extended til they 'know' if they return home each night they will have a meal waiting for them.  They can fly pretty well so it's a bit of a gamble if they nick off, we'll see in a few days.

They are supposedly excellent at keeping pests and bugs down in the yard and are renowned at creating a huge din if there is a snake in the close vicinity.  We shall all see how they perform!  First signs of digging up the mulch or annoying the neighbours  then it's the roasting dish for them.

Guinea fowl on the verandah of their digs (formerly a cubby house)

The other improvement to the household is the final finish to the deck which occurred about 2 years ago. The bench area has now been tiled which David undertook all by himself.  It looks quite good despite resembling the Pizza Hut interior (so Dave says).  It's weather-proofed and we can happily sit and watch the birds out the back whilst sipping away.  It's a good job.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...