Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Evans Head Fishing Trip 2017

It's that time of the year whereby a bunch of fellows, some ex-RAAFies, some from NSW, meet up in Evans Head for a week of fishing fun.  It's an annual pilgrimage, apparently the charter skipper knows his stuff - when and where they are biting.  When conditions aren't good they head to the golf course and into Casino to the race track and there's always the bowling Club up the way when they want a night off from cooking.

This year produced quite good results which was better than last year.  The fish catch is a communal one so whether an individual catches more or less, at the end of the week they all take home an equal amount.

Dave with a king fish

Col, TC and Dave with prizes

Spanner crabs

The fellows!

On board

Col with a nice looking snapper

Some of the catch - not a bad effort
There were over 200 fish caught so there was plenty for all to have and to put a couple in the freezer as well.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Grandson no. 1 is 10 years old!

The birthday boy, Vance (in blue hat) blows out his candles, watched by his mates - Heath and Callum and little brother Kai

L to R Heath, Callum, Vance and Kai

 Vance was especially lucky to receive an (Android) mobile phone as a present from his Dad.  The phone has limited capabilities but Vance has promised he will send some photos of them fishing.

 Jodes has generously combined the boys birthday presents into a fishing charter with the family and some friends out of Darwin Harbour.  Very lucky lads, and hopefully that is a memorable and fun time for all.  Even if they don't get fish or big fish Vance is still going to send photos on his new phone.

Vance and Dad

The boys devouring the cake.

Out in the backyard in Darwin.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...