Friday, 22 July 2016


Out with the old and in with the new....

or in David's words 'out with the stodgy scooter and in with the pocket rocket'

JEAN with her redundant Evie and the new Racing Red Machine!

Xmas has come early for me, I am now the owner of a Yamaha MT-03 ... soon I'll be able to ride it and use the gears.  I'm learning to master it but so far have managed to stall it up the hill.  Early days...

Looking the part

This time next year I'll be riding in the Moto 3 GP!  Watch this space.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Trip to Perth - June 2016

My main reason to visit Perth at this time of the year was to be present for Angel's 6th birthday.  As is the Vietnamese custom for birthdays,  is to celebrate the event at a local restaurant - usually a Vietnamese one but it was a Chinese one, the Gold Leaf which was nearby.

All Tuyen's immediate family from Perth attended - Aunt Tammy and Peter her husband and her two kids Duey and Julie; Uncle Hu and Aunt Tu and their daughter (can't remember her name); cousin Candy, and Darryn and Tuyen's kids - Kyle, Marc and Angel ; a fair mob really.  Anyway it was a nice informal evening with delicious food and many doggie bags being taken home.  Angel adored the attention with Happy birthday music filling the restaurant and blowing all the candles out.

Angel  seems to be tall for her age and appears that way in class photos. She is very much a Tom boy and loves dressing in plain clothes with no signs of ruffles or lace anywhere. (much to her mother's dismay). Also she seems interested in the male-type activities - playing with swords, bows and arrows, Spider-Man and tumbling around with her brothers. From what I witnessed she is definitely not a girly girl!

The birthday cake and birthday GIRL

One of the presents she received which was really like a ribbon the gymnasts use in floor routines but she preferred to believe it was a whip and she was "cracking the whip".

Note the athletic stance!

Angel attempting to 'fly' the copter

I was a bit of a winner as she received a transformer helicopter for her birthday.  She enjoyed getting that off the ground and crashing it.

I mainly hung out at Darryn's house for most of the time - looking at the improvements to the house and yard that's taken place over the last year or so.  He's certainly added to the area of the house with two extra rooms giving the family more space and privacy.  In the backyard he's removed an old shed and replaced it with a better and more convenient structure.  His brickwork and paving have vastly improved over the period from start to where he is currently at - it's a credit to his resourcefulness, Mr Google and Gumtree.  Good on you Daz.

I also ventured over to Mother Peters place on the other side of the river to Como.  She has a 2 bed-roomed villa in a retirement village in a very nice part of town.  We indulged each other with plenty of wine, food and enjoyment.  She's an amazing lady for over 90, getting around on her prosthetic limb' and other times buzzing about in her car.  No way is she giving in life's little obstacles.

Mother Peters and Myvanwy at the Windsor Hotel

It was an enjoyable week over in the West.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...