Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Spring in the garden

Springtime on the calendar, in reality it's not a real blooming time but it's colour and some growth.

The reliable Bottlebrush that the parrots love to feast on,
the Bower of Beauty that thrives on neglect
 and the lovely Fuchsia - they seem to last only a season but I readily buy new ones each year.

Good old Gazanias, forget about them and they still keep on keeping on  

One of many hibiscus flowers

The durable Kangaroo Paw, the red flowers come out first and I'm still waiting on the yellow coloured ones.

The 'Productive part" of the garden - only flowers at this stage but hopefully they will develop into fruit.

David's sweet corn patch
We need some decent rainfalls.  The garden has never really recovered from the drought periods and further damage usually followed by frosting in the Winter.

However we continue to combat the challenges that Mother Nature puts out there and we thoroughly enjoy any rewards by way of colour, fragrances or food.  Many little chores are therapeutic and watering is one of the most hotly pursued 'jobs'

Stuff … activities, crafty things that happened in 2024

 Some golf stuff At the end of the year, ladies golf Xmas lunch presentations and get-together …  I didn’t feature in any of the awards havi...