Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Angel Peters - nearly 4 years

Grand daughter no. 1

 Angel looking pretty ...
Angel looking cute ...

Nana and Pops received a batch of current photos from Darryn and Tuyen so they've been posted for all to see.  Photos have been taken in the house yard Darryn has spent many hours paving, and improving.  They also painted and polished floorboards etc. of the house interior, so most of what is there is the product of their hard work.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Jean's motorscooter - Honda Forza 300

A second childhood or senior senility??????  Anyway my flash new motor scooter has been delivered.

zooming around the backyard!
It's moving and I'm still aboard ...

Dave was busy clicking away with the camera, I am concentrating on everything and I literally mean everything.  I'm looking at a 12 month project to get myself out on the road - a challenge and hopefully lots of enjoyment.

Stuff … activities, crafty things that happened in 2024

 Some golf stuff At the end of the year, ladies golf Xmas lunch presentations and get-together …  I didn’t feature in any of the awards havi...