Sunday, 7 December 2014

Jodi and her boys visit Gympie

Special visitors -

Nana and Pops are really lucky to have Jodi and Vance and Kai stay with them for 5 weeks over the Xmas holidays.  The high humidity in the tropics of Darwin at this time of year is pretty unbearable so the visit to Gympie is great for everyone.

Vance, Mum and Kai out on Pops deck

Amongst other things we've managed to get out on the golf course while Jodes and the boys are here.
Jodi had a very good first outing (beginner's luck), she hit some very good balls along the fairways and showed she has some potential as she consistently hit straight and usually with some good elevation.  We carted the kids along in a buggy for them to see what is involved in trying to get around a golf course.

A couple of days later Vance was sufficiently enthused to try and have a go as well.  He attended a junior coaching session for some very basic instruction in gripping a club and connecting the ball etc.

Vance's golf lesson

The family had some beaut times, both at home and around Gympie during the visit.

A bonfire and marshmallow toasting session in the backyard ...

Pops and crew, Kai and Vance

The workers ...

Jodes, chief fire tender

The entertainees ...

There were marshmallows before the sparklers came out

An extraordinary model train display

 At the local heritage railway station, there is an enormous model of a train community on display.  It features the Rattler Steam train and other railcars' circuit covering a large room.  It shows local sights of the region and showcases landmarks.  The trains actually run around the tracks, it's an amazing display and it can keep one interested for ages.

Roundabout the yard at home there were a multitude of activities for the boys and other big kids ...

Learning to mow?

Nana playing ball which was better than getting beaten at cards

The 'kids' on my bike with Pops 'showing off'

taking Lizzi for a walk


freshening up the garden furniture


Dave treated us to some time lounging around on a houseboat just before Xmas.  Friends, The Readers joined us for the 5 days on the Noosa river,  It was a lovely stretch of water, starting from Tewantin up to Boreen Point.  We fished, crabbed, swam, relaxed, ate and drank to excess.

Houseboat is behind, Reader and Van driving in our boat

Skipper at wheel and First mate

Chef Mary

Motley crew
Boys were amused for hours with their fishing

The fisherboys

Van proudly displaying his first fish (catfish!)

Nana and the boys swimming

Kai and Van
It was a great time, with good company in very pleasant surroundings.


With two kids in the house it was an exciting time - preparing for Santa and all the hype

Vance decorating the tree

Boys helping Pops put up the Xmas lights

Vance's creation - Door decoration is made from a garden rake head

Of course the kids were mightily spoiled by Santa, Aunties, Grandies etc

Mum joining in the fun

Jodes wearing a couple of her Xmas gifts

Entree prawns

Xmas meal - Dave smoked the ham

Another really enjoyable outing we made was to the Australia Zoo down at Beerwah, Sunshine Coast.  Despite it drizzling for most of the day, it was more comfortable for the animals as the majority were moving about in the cooler temperatures

Kai and the koala

Nana and Vance
A new part of the zoo which opened the day we were there was Bindi's treehouse (from her TV show)

Bindi's treehouse

Towards the end of the day, everyone was weary so we decided to travel by shuttle, we were waiting...

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Perth, WA visit November 2014

10 - 25 November 2014

Dave had a fortnight in Perth attending various inductions into the Chevron organisation and the culture before he heads up to Barrow Island for work.  I joined Dave and took the opportunity of accommodation right in the middle of the business district to visit Darryn and his family and Dave's family who live out in the suburbs.

The apartment was centrally appointed to restaurants, pubs, cafes, shops, the beautiful Kings Park, the Riverside and Foreshore - a sought after location.  I roamed the streets and beautiful arcades window shopping through the days and at night we ate or dined in some lovely spots.  Prices generally were excessive!

The  view from the balcony of the apartment towards Kings Park.  Dave's place of work was just to the left of the photo.  It took him 4 minutes to walk to work or 6 minutes if the lights were against you.

The iconic Central Park building right across the road from the apartment

The view looking down St Georges Tce towards the causeway

Kings Park is a special place, covering 40 hectares and overlooking the Swan Canning River park.  The park is a botanic garden and showcases most of Western Australian plants.  It is a popular place for picnics, walks, cultural and ceremonial events

The views of Perth, the Swan River and the Canning River from Kings Park

For the tree and garden lovers I have millions of photos of the many kangaroo paws but have only included a couple ....

Part of the water gardens

lawns were beautifully manicured

Angel and Nana visit the Perth zoo

Angel adores animals but has usually seen them only on TV or in books so it was wildly exciting for her to see them in real life.  The zoo exhibited animals from the African savannah, the Asian rainforest and from the Australian bush.  The enclosures were large and the animals were well cared for.

The Giraffes were Angels favourite animal

The tiger was pretty cranky and snarled and looked mean at everyone

 Angel was pretty wary with the crocodile too.

Darryn at home.

Darryn and family have been living in their own home at Lockridge, Midlands for nearly a year now. They purchased an older home and upgraded most of the interior before they moved in.

Darryn has taken the yard on to level it and pave it in amongst other things.  He's enjoying the challenge and especially reusing free materials from ebay or cast offs.  His skill level is developing as he moves through fencing, paving, brick laying and other outdoor constructions.

The yard is in the throes of massive changes and despite looking similar to Steptoe and Sons, every acquired item maybe useful for something down the track.

Darryn proudly pointing to accomplishments and gunnas

Tuyen attending to the bbq.  The pork rissoles were yummy, and the prawns and the fish and the ....

Spider Girl telling Pops what her next assignment is!

Brothers - Kyle and Marc
 Darryn's paving in the foreground

Keep up the hard work Darryn

Dave's Mum, sister and Neice

Mother and I covered a lot of ground on my two weeks in the city.  Golfing, eating here and eating there with many wines in between.  She has fantastic energy for her age and one would not think she has a prosthetic leg.

Mother looking particularly grand for a 90 year old

Daughter and mother - Jennifer and Myvanwy
Sorry about the lousy shot Myv, I needed to use the flash.

On another occasion Angel and I spent the day in one of the amazing kids parks in Kings Park. When she wasn't climbing on something, she was whizzing around the paths on her scooter.  Nana was tired on these days.

Some hatchlings

It took a lot of coaxing to climb the prehistoric crocodile, she was afraid of the sight and size.

It was a great fortnight over west.

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...