Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Camping in the Rooftop camper

We've gone down market in the camping scene, we sold our T Van and these days we're up off the ground but a fair bit of fiddling around to set up and get away.  This is the first occasion we've used it on top of the Mazda.

Back view of the camp, the car fridge is sitting on the tailgate.

The front part of the camper, there is a tent area at the bottom whereby one is able to store stuff and a private place to change.  The ladder to climb up to the roof top is also located here.

Lizzi and Mum

We had a couple of lovely relaxing days with the Reader family out at Borumba Dam.  Mary's sister Margaret from NZ was visiting before going on a camp safari in Africa.  As she had never camped in her life Mary wanted to give Margaret some first hand experience.
It was all very grand motoring around in Dave's big boat.  We even got a couple of good feeds of red claw.  Never mind that it rained on and off!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Motorbike -Yamaha 650cc

Dave's latest joy (toy) ... a V Star?

Parked safely in the shed

Looking yummy in his leather gear, but still has some riding pants to buy before he hits the bitumen.

Note the L plate!  He is practising in the backyard doing figure 8's and generally getting the feel of the bike.  As it has been years since he held a bike licence he must undergo the L's and P plate stages.
Fortunately our neighbour is a biker so he is supervising Dave's riding practice.  Perhaps in 12 months time I might get a ride?



Sunday, 12 May 2013

Dragonboat regatta

Saturday May 11, 2013

Our first hit out for the season, and we did extremely well!  A great deal of fun on the beach and in the water.

Four Dragon Boat Clubs, one from the township of 1770, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay and Cooloola (our team) gathered at Torquay Beach in Hervey for the first regatta of the Greater Wide Bay Regional Dragon Boat series.

 Races between clubs, crews of 20 and also 10's were paddled over 250 metres, and the race places and race times all go towards points for an overall winner after 4 regattas.

The first regatta for the year was hosted by the Hervey Bay club, June we compete in Bundaberg, July the comp is in Tin Can Bay and the final one in the series is held in 1770.

This weekend the weather was perfect and ocean was pretty calm so there were no excuses!

Setting up marquees at the start of the day

Dotting of the Eye ceremony

The ceremony called 'Dotting of the Eye' or 'Awakening the Dragon' is practiced at many Dragon Boat Events.  It traditionally involves a Taoist priest or sometimes a dignitary dotting the protruding eyes of the dragon head carved on the boats, thus ending its slumber.

Our club boat

Paddling buddies - Judes, Elaine and Meg

The Cooloola 20's (22 crew with the sweep and the drummer)

We had a very successful day, coming 2nd in the 20's crew and we won the 10's crew race so it was a great start to the series.
Yay we finally have a trophy for the cabinet.    GO COOLOOLA!


My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...