Monday, 22 April 2013

Dave is 64!

Dave is looking pretty happy despite not wanting to celebrate his birthday.  He was more than content to have a meal of oysters and a carton of Crownies so he is pretty easy to please these days.

Happy birthday Dave and may there be many more to follow.

"Two Sheds on a Hill"

It's the periodic photographic update of the property

Our abode, house and shed located on at the top of a "little hill" ,  Both structures are of zincalume so the locals referred to the buildings as a couple of sheds up on the hill.

The front view from the road - note the green pristine lawn

The backyard displaying the lovely green lawn again ... great for practising golf chips!

The driveway.

The bamboo patch, well and truly recovered from the drought 3 months previous.

 Some of the front gardens ... not as thick as before the drought but growth is bouncing back.


Stuff … activities, crafty things that happened in 2024

 Some golf stuff At the end of the year, ladies golf Xmas lunch presentations and get-together …  I didn’t feature in any of the awards havi...