Thursday, 20 December 2012

Trip East to West: road journey

With the new truck (Mazda BT50)and camper, we (Lizzi the dog included) left Gympie on Monday 3 December and we travelled south and west: going on the Wide Bay Highway through Dalby, Newell, Oxley and Mitchell Highways then the Barrier Highway to Broken Hill.

Our first night camping at Yarramlong Weir in Qld

We stayed a couple of nights outside of Broken Hill about 20 kms, in an old place called Silverton whereby we did some touristy things. We descended underground at the historic “Daydream silver mine and were able to appreciate the amazing challenge that mining once was, we were given a real sense of of what it must have been like wielding a pick and shovel in such challenging conditions.

A beautifu lcamp spot at Penrose Gardens

Silverton town, a quiet spot but in the 1880's it was a mining boomtown. Today it is a classic outback town for real but it has a different kind of boom – the Silverton Hotel played a leading role in many movies, from Hollywood blockbusters like Mission Impossible to 'Australian cinematic icons, Mad Max and a Town like Alice.

 A stone building ruin in the streets of Silverton

We drove around Broken Hill and saw the sights especially the lookout over the town. It was located on a huge mullock heap and housed a very modern structure, the line of Lode. Here the Miners Memorial lists more than 800 miners who lost their lives on the job – a very sobering sight.

Miners Memorial at Broken Hill

A glorious river gum in the dry Umberumerka River Bed

We made a run for South Australia, taking a couple of days and staying in a great Free Camp at Lowly Point outside of Whayalla. We reached Ceduna on Day 6 whereby I also started playing the Nullarbor Links holes. The greens were sand so that took a lot of adaptation but a very good course in comparison to others I would encounter. We stayed 2 days in Ceduna where it was very windy and very cool! The seafood was to die for and we had some beautiful meals of oysters, King George whiting and prawns. While drinking a bottle of Oyster Bay wine I did think we were enjoying the 'good life'. We looked around the town and surrounds, beaches, rugged and rocky bays, natural bush, dry salt lakes, granite outcrops – quite diverse scenic beauty.

Smoky Bay about 40 kms out of Ceduna
The next couple of days we hit the Nullarbor Plain and I played five more holes on the Nullabor Links course, a very testing and trying time for my golf – very rough scrubby terrain and the astro turfed greens were a whole new experience – both caddy and dog were dragging their heels by the time we finished the trek across the Australian Bight into Norseman. Playing the holes were a great diversion to the tedious scenery and provided a lot of relief and insight into the flora and fauna of the arid zone.

 Caddie extraordinaire
 A bunker!
A battered ball!
 What a fairway!
 Some rabbit and wombat burrows
 The tested golfer!
To be continued ......

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Pops and Nana with grandies

Some outings, activities and little jobs we enjoyed with Van and Kai

Pops and the boys at the amphitheatre at Noosa Botanical gardens

Van helping Nana Jean make the jelly for the trifle

Nana Jean and Van mowing the lawn for Pops

Kai and Nana Jean going for a walk!
Fishing at Lake McDonald

The 'coldTerritorian boy' at the Hervey Bay water park


My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...