Friday, 30 November 2012

Gathering at Gympie

Friends -  Kev and Betty from Townsville , Alana and Paul, some ex Darwin friends now living in MooloolaValley and Lorry and Gaz  from Marcoola visited last weekend while Jodi and the boys were down from Darwin.

During the evening folks gathered in the shed.                                      


A hangi, pakeha style is on the way to feed the guests

Monsieur chef

 Gas bagging and undoubtedly telling some tall tales!

 A bonfire followed with some tense moments as sparks 'sailed towards the bush over the back fence.

Lorry advising the kids the fire was not a good idea!
Pops hosing the sparks

Kev, Betty and Jean mesmerized ...


The next day ....

After a brekkie of bubble and squeak (leftovers from the hangi the night before)



The Camerons had their new Motor home, a Sunliner to show off  ... very nice too.  They camped very comfortably up the back yard.

Young Angel

 Some recent photos of Angel aged about 28 months.  She's pretty special.


  No. 1 grand daughter

 A serious look

 With doting Dad

 Befriending the kangaroos at John Forest Park

A Nana McRae impression

Looking very cute

Surrounded by big brothers - Kyle and Marc

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Grandies visit to Gympie

A Darwin getaway, Jodi chose to bring the boys, Vance and Kai, down south to cooler climates and at the same time indulge Nana and (Pops) in some grand kids pleasure. For a couple of weeks, Nana and Lizzi are being treated to some 'getting to know you ' time.

The first morning and the Darwinites are feeling the cold

Mum and the boys out on the deck at Azure Avenue

Mainly we stayed close to home, played in the yard, in the sandpit and the vegie garden was another avenue of activity – Vance with watering and eating tomatoes whereas Kai delighted in picking green tomatoes and playing with them. Also Kai loved hiding in the bushes, playing games and sometimes a quiet place for going to the toilet.

Kai convincing Nana the tomatoes were ripe!

Kai playing hidey-ho

Vance - the master waterer
Collecting capsicums

A hand woven dish made from palm seeds, a lovely gift from Jodi - complete with tomatoes from the garden. It looks pretty good on the kitchen bench.

The duck ponds down the road are a good place for kids entertainment, nice stretches of grass, shady trees everywhere and of course the compulsory play equipment. There are a string of ponds frequented by a lot of water birds, mainly Ibis but some ducks, turtles and in the right season some swans. It's a good spot to take the leftover crusts out of the freezer and feed the creatures. It's an ideal place for Lizzi too, she has paths and flat terrain for her walk and she can even sneak in a swim.

Vance taking Nana for a ride
Mum dishing out the bird food

Vance, Jodes and Kai

Vance and Lizzi

One day we were able to get out to Tin Can Bay fairly early in the morning to see and hand feed the local wild dolphins.

The Tin Can Bay Dolphin Story
The Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins have been interacting with residents and visitors of Tin Can Bay for 30 years. It all started with “Scarry” nicknamed due to the numerous rough edges along her dorsal and tail fins. “Scarry” appeared with a young male dolphin, Mystique, believed to be her youngest surviving offspring.
“Scarry” has not been seen since early 2003 but her son Mystique and girlfriend “Patch” still come in to the boat ramp to observe humans and be hand fed.

Nana and boys in the queue
look a fish - dolphin food

Brave big brother handling the fish

Vance feeding the dolphin
Mum's turn (for Kai)

 Some shots around the yard ...

Boys racing!

Vance helping with the lawn mowing
Kai and Lizzi

Kai looking to escape ...

Playing indoors ....

Vance with a mouthful of a 'smartie cookie'

Some time at the market train ride and merry-go-round ...

Mum joining in with the boys

Pilot Kai

Out and about at different spots

One of the dog walks
Nana and boys at Hervey Bay

Angels sleeping

My Birfday! 2025

  March 10th was a washout day, ex-cyclone Alfred was still in the area and dumped around 150 ml in the Gympie area and a whole lot further ...